“Cultural education” is the precondition for the cohesion of a society”

Yet as I was a pupil I was very interested in political and social developments and I often was surprised about the deep belief of my dialogue partners to know the only way to the future. The reasons for that very often was logical clear and self contained, but it worked only in excluding details which didn’t fit together. In this way I listened to absolutely antithetic opinions about the same subject, using most of the same arguments but excluding different details to come to opposed conclusions. So I started thinking about ways to organise cooperation in human societies based on this phenomenon. Which solutions have been tested in the past and why didn’t work these solutions for a long time? Are their similarities for different social, political and economical structures? Is it possible to connect them to today and can we use them for the future?The following theses are (temporary) results of my thoughts:


  • Every social structure is created to give living conditions as good as possible to an amount of as many as possible human beings in this society. These structure have to be adapted to new conditions and challenges at every time. Only then a society can stay successful for a long time.
  • Social structures are immediately replaced by others if the society ends supporting them.
  • Every right the people in a society know is based on fighting of a lot of generations before. Nothing is to be sure and disappears in the moment people stop fighting for it.
  • Nobody is able to know exactly what will happen in the future. Political decisions are only the attempt to make the right decision and they have to be changed if it becomes obviously that it was wrong. To criticise politicians for that means to expect them to be visionaries.


  • Democracy is based on the political engagement of the whole society. Who resigns political engagement gives the power to the others and is not allowed to criticise their decisions.
  • Democracy is based on responsible citizens with a good educational background. Only then they are able to resist statements of populistic politicians. For that reason education has to be a essential topic in every democratic society.
  • One of the most important basis of democracy is to accept different opinions and to figure out in objective discussions the best compromises for the maximum majority of citizens.


  • Only societies with generally accepted cultural values is able to give identity to their people. For that reason education has to be a essential topic in every democratic society. Educational topics never should be overwhelmed by ideological conflicts.
  • For people of societies with a stable cultural identity it is an enrichment to communicate with people of foreign cultures and to use impulses from outside to advance their own society.


  • Law and justice not in every case are the same. Written law means the attempt to come to the ideal of justice as close as possible by applying a standard for everybody which is independent from status and reputation of a person. It has to be adapted to changing conditions at every times but will anyway never reach the ideal of justice.
  • Democratic societies give to each citizen at any time the right to fight for changing legal arrangements. But as long as legal arrangement are in power everybody has to accept them – even if they are difficult to accept in a certain situation.


  • Solidarity with weaker persons has to be lively in a society and needs clear and fair arrangements. Almost the strongest never can be safe of a situation in which he needs support of the society.
  • Solidarity doesn’t mean to stop people who are able and willing to achieve more than others in the kind of “what I’m not able to achieve is therefore not allowed to others”.


  • Successful economies are the basis for the financial prosperity of every citizen in a society. But it is again and again necessary to be aware that economical interests are never allowed to end in itself. Economy is an important instrument to the society, but in the middle of the society have to be the people, not economies.